Cardcaptors Gallery
HIDEY-HOWDY-HOOOOOA reminder that Kero is VERY Important !!!…Spinner Sun is ALSO Very Importa
Cardcaptor Sakura - DelicateThe second part of a palette-based series I’m doing for Geequinox 2019!
animeuserboxes:“this user is a cardcaptor sakura fan”~~~“hic usor fautor sacurae charticaptricis est
Kiddy land display
x0401x:20 DAYS SHOUJO CHALLENGEDay 12: favorite shoujo character design/outfit → Sakura and her card
FInished this just in time for Montreal’s Otakuthon!Thanks to everyone who stopped by this wee
#Cardcaptors-ing up with @allichi427 as Kero-chan and Spinalsun in our @bloomerumi #colossalcon #co
#Repost @julestcosplay (@get_repost)・・・Oh, Key that conceals the Power of darkness, reveal your true
cardcaptorsakuralove:Cardcaptors Challenge of the Clow Spirits GameI don’t remember how to play it,
Hyper Spinel and Kero
[blares the cardcaptors theme song full volume]Available on my redbubble!
The wood card
boulevard: カードキャプターさくらイラスト集 3 エキストラ (2000)
Help vote and reblog my design at welovefine!
So this little needle felted Kero is my first ever, but I’m putting him up for sale as well.
Sacura / ΣάκουραSakura(Fons Imaginis.)
さくら日和 | かる38 [pixiv]
I don’t care how cute she is, what her orientation is, or how sweet she is otherwise; Tomo