Carmelilla9 Gallery
elsa gif
pandora bracelet
carmelilla9:Vulcan Biology 101
carmelilla9:Star Trek TOS - End Credits
carmelilla9:Are you thinking what I am thinking?
oparu:carmelilla9:Beverly Crusher and Deanna TroiHATS!
carmelilla9:8 images per episode - Amok Time
carmelilla9:that’s just typical
carmelilla9:DS9 characters out of the uniform
carmelilla9:Doctor Beverly Crusher
carmelilla9:Beverly Crusher and Deanna Troi
carmelilla9: Grumpy Kirk
coffeemoosebear: carmelilla9: Not in front of the Klingons I’ve got that quote on my bedroo
carmelilla9:Of all the souls we have encountered, he was the most human. Rest in peace, Leonard Nimo
carmelilla9:Leonard Bones McCoy
carmelilla9: Lwaxana Troi and Odo
carmelilla9: Always together. Always apart
carmelilla9: How to make yourself a Kirk at home
incorrigiblyhuman: carmelilla9 :Tumblr-ing
carmelilla9: Lovely Uhura holding a tribble