Changhyun Gallery
nov 2021
aeli kim
◊ Teen Top: Don’t I ◊ Translation by popgasa
nielrick putting each other in pain for shits and gigglesbonus:
teen top’s ‘dear n9ne’ jacket shoot
some of teen top’s iconic moments 1/?
angels and teen top share the same brain cell
“your drawing has a picasso vibe” - niel
some of teen top’s iconic moments 1/?
nielrick putting each other in pain for shits and giggles bonus:
teen top’s ‘dear n9ne’ jacket shoot
“your drawing has a picasso vibe” - niel
angels and teen top share the same brain cell
◊ Teen Top: First Kiss ◊ Translation by popgasa
changhyunn: happy #PrinceChunjiDay - i hope that i can continue to hear your angelic voice and see