Chinesetradition Gallery
For many of those who know of the #chineseteaceremony but not sure why or how it happens, I’m
#INKFLORESCENC Day 8: Peach tree “She came here searching for blessings for the upcoming
依依不舍 (yī yī bù shě): “to be reluctant to leave something”.I’d like to think
今天穿上在 #依華 #春之夜 #依燃愛 新買的 #華人傳統服裝 #漢服 #裋褐 ! #穿漢服從你我開始 Today I wear the newly bought #chinesetraditiona
= Kuantan Tower 188 關丹塔 =难得与关丹同袍出来聚一聚。Finally got gathered once again with Kuantan Hanfu-mates. 。。。。
Happy Oxspicious Chinese New Year 2021, Gong Xi Fa Cai!辛丑農曆新年快樂,牛年大吉,恭喜發財!If there was no Movement C
最後一天過年了哦… It’s the last day of Chinese New Year… Happy Chapgohmei! 元宵怏樂!Photo taken bef
#hnh2012 伊斯兰与亞洲文明最終考試 ✓#titas (Islamic and Asia Civilization) Final Exam ✓One down, one more exam to
#kitapunyacontest #kitapunya#sayangimalaysiaku #Malaysia’s #nationalday (Malaya Independence D
#丢回 #依大 #翁姑奥瑪 宿舍時刻。#开斋节快乐 #马来油灯 #綠 #紅 #漢服 #裋褐 #華人傳統服裝 #穿漢服從你我開始#throwback moments in #kuo #upsi . #s
戊戌年六月十九 #觀音誕 去 #拜拜 。Went for some #prayer during #guanyinfestival .#漢服 #裋褐 #華人傳統服裝 #穿漢服從你我開始 #穿漢服去拜拜
[14th August 2020 | 農曆歲次庚子六月廿五]New year, new style? 新一年,新風格? #斜塘衣庄 #非鱼 #圆领袍 #非魚 #圓領袍 。。。。。。#漢服 #汉服 #
[28th August 2020 | 農曆歲次庚子七月初十]First time wearing Han clothing (Hanfu) Round-Collar Robe - Xietang Y
#kitapunyacontest #kitapunya #sayangimalaysiaku 戊戌年第十一届 #华夏 / #華夏 文化生活營第二天11th #huaxia cultural camp
[15th September 2020 | 農曆歲次庚子七月廿八]Han Chinese clothing (Hanfu): president’s robe (yi & cha
#upsi #tanglungwalk #依大 #灯笼游行 #燈籠遊行 #hanfu #shenyi #汉服 #漢服 #深衣 #paperlantern #紙燈籠 #纸灯笼 #chinesetrad
[March 28th, 2019 | 農曆己亥歲二月廿二]~第一届 #華夏 少年 #進士 营~ 騎馬体驗~1st #huaxia Youth #jinshi Camp~ horse riding f
[6th September 2020 | 農曆歲次庚子七月十九 當年太歲誕]Han Chinese clothing (Hanfu): Republic of China’s Yuewu
[12th September 2020 | 農曆歲次庚子七月廿五]忠、勇、真、孝。 Loyal, Brave, Honest, Devotion to Family. - @mulan @disn
[March 24rd, 2019 | 農曆己亥歲二月十八]~第一届 #華夏 少年 #進士 营~ 禮成。~1st #huaxia Youth #jinshi Camp~ Event ended suc
[14th September 2020 | 農曆歲次庚子七月廿七]Han Chinese clothing (Hanfu): official’s robe (yi & chan
[5th September 2020 | 農曆歲次庚子七月十八 王母娘娘誕]Han Chinese clothing (Hanfu): Lanshan, a formal attire worn b
[March 23rd, 2019 | 農曆己亥歲二月十七](Birthday of Sultan of Johor 柔佛州蘇丹誕辰)~第一届 #華夏 少年 #進士 营~ ~1st #huaxia Y