Comic Facts Gallery
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The idea was dropped due to the Comics Code Authority’s limitations about gay or bisexual
Even though she looked like a living Adam Hughes’ drawing, Tallest’s Power Girl
“I got fed up with it being pulled off every five minutes. Like it was some kinda drinking gam
Timely comics reference a gogo!(This one was from kcletzer. Thank you!)Source
Doc, you’re not THAT strong.
Although it does trigger the spidey sense of spider-man’s clones created before Peter got
Bad, bad coloring work. Source: Stormwatch #1 (volume 3)
Timothy Hunter vs Harry Potter! Source
Oh my God Smallville, why did you have to end?Source
The messed up story of Psylocke. Source
Fox, y u no let Whedon direct X-Men? Source
The K-Metal from Krypton
Life of a dupe.
I’m sorry, but I just had to do this with the old Green Lantern’s color scheme.L
Cool Story, Bro.
Facts vs. lies.
More panels process about comic adaptation “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar"
Lovecraft’s story featuring the sanitarium is “The Thing on the Doorstep&rdq
Connecting the factsAll the other parts of Demon Boyfriends series here