Concept Stuff Gallery
It’s nice to take a break from Tarots to do some environment stuff!
wehavekookies:concept: Regis draws work stuff in his journal. Bonus:Cheers <3
Old stuff ….
(bonus ½) just a little bonus pic of polly teaching ofra to cook!
redandblacktac:older magic girl stuff w/ our lord & savior
(4) polly teaches ofra how to cook!
(1) a chef named polly travels the world to collect ingredients for her restaurant. on one of her ou
(9) polly and ofra are cooking for their customers as they travel, looking for a very rare and speci
Here’s some concept art I made for a picture book proposal (about a mouse family who has it al
(2) polly took the kitten home, cleaned her, and wrapped her up in a blanket, naming her ofra. she t
FREE STUFF!!!Some more of the monsters earlier this year to be used in indie games but didn’t
some concept stuff for my comic!the evil eye
wehavekookies:concept: Regis draws work stuff in his journal. Bonus:Cheers <3
just-rube:Makuta TeridaxNow, i have this little concept in my bonkle stuff right that i wante to be
Worldbuilding stuff!Kamma is a species of flightless birds, whose ancestors, for some reason, abando
concept for pink eyes!
(8) a view of polly and ofra’s flying restaurant, the beetle! it carries the restaurant seatin
(3) ofra has been healed and she has been given extraordinary strength by the angels! she grows olde
ofra and polly sketches for class!
a rest
(bonus 2/2) polly and ofra buying veggies!(i changed up the scale of the onionish people from the la
(5) as the years pass, ofra grows taller and stronger. when she’s ready, polly takes ofra on h
(7) polly and ofra find the lost onionish market and the vegetable keepers!