Corgination Gallery
“Look on The bright side! Come on mommy!”(Our breeder was feeling really sad for the pas
The disapproving look after hearing “No frisbee today.”
I’m just gonna take a nap, you don’t need to go anywhere, right dad? Those running short
#tbt to Lilikoi’s business retreat to Deception Pass, Washington, where she was stunned to fin
As I lay, chin resting on the threshold that leads to a world I hardly know, I ponder the sheer vast
A tricolor trifecta!! ❤️❤️❤️#omg #yes #loveit #pembroke #welsh #corgi #pwc #instapets #petstagram #c
Hey dad! Look! I’m a flutist! #aw #youresosilly #fetch #stick #pembroke #welsh #corgi #pwc #in
Can *I* have some strawberry frozen yogurt bar dad?? I promise I won’t snatch it out of your h
Einstein feeling betrayed after going in his agility crate. #howdareyou
Sweet dreams
All I do is win, win, win no matter what #dogagility
Happy Christmas from Einstein and River #naughtyandnice
Homemade #hammock chillin’ in the catio
Missing this sweet face on #tongueouttuesday while she stays at Grandma’s house for the week
Momo is a straight up model #nofilter #iwokeuplikethis
Front window bird watching
Not a creature was stirring… #christmaseve
Birdwatching on a #rainy and #lazy Sunday morning
#tbt to Einstein’s first night home 7 years ago… time passes much too quickly #love you bubba
Sweet dreams #zonked
Hello, puddin’#harleyquinn
When my dog is #happy, I am #happy
Two days and two Q’s finally earned Einstein his Novice Jumpers title! Finally we can move up to Ope