Corona Graffiti Gallery
‘Covid-1984’ Seen in Vallcarca, Barcelona
“Covid Everywhere, Justice Nowhere” Seen in Montreal, Quebec
‘Fuck the System’ Seen in Corona, California
“Capitalism is the Virus” Seen in Eindhoven, Netherlands
“Corona is the virus. Capitalism is the pandemic"Seen in Chicago
“From the hospitals to the supermarkets, care workers, binmen, hauliers, posties, delivery drivers,
“Seize Private Clinics for NHS Now” Seen in London, UK The NHS is the British National H
“Blue Lives Don’t Matter Here”Anti-cop graffiti seen in Corona, California
“Capitalism is the Virus” Stencil seen in LA
“Capitalism is the Virus" Seen in San Diego, California
‘Covid 1312’ Seen in Hamilton, Ontario
“Thank You NHS, Fuck You Boris!” Seen in Lewisham, London
“Fuck Trump! "Make the rich pay for covid-19” Seen in NYC
“Strike until both the state and the coronavirus perish” Seen in Santiago, Chile
“Stop corona-capitalism. Don’ buy "smart” devices" Seen in Baltimore, MD
“Solidarity with the healthcare workers! Abolish capitalism” Seen in Freiburg, Germany
‘Fuck 12’ seen in Corona, California
“The rich should pay for covid19” Seen in Berlin, Germany
“Capitalism is the Virus”Seen in NYC
“Capitalism is the Virus” Seen in New Orleans, Louisiana
“Capitalism is the Virus” Seen in Melbourne
Anti-landlord graffiti in Portland