Cosplayinprogress Gallery
New item in my Etsy Store and some spoilers for our summer project Bone hulf-dagger from Monster Hun
My Dragon Age Inquisition Grey Warden mage armor. Natural linen, very expensive jacquard, genuine le
Keeper’s Robe from Dragon Age Inquisition now in my store. It’s craft armor made by worb
Grey Warden helmet by @_jojoska_ for Luiren Craft store! And for my next costume too ✨ #cosplay #cos
New raincoat design! We added canonical peacock feathers, and a few other details. And if we talk a
V cane from DMC5 by @andry.sketch for @steinholic Full costume coming soon. #gamecosplay #dmc #dmc5
DBH RK900 hoody! I love to make individual orders. It was a sweatshirt from a drawing @marshall.migr
Day 2. Another Connor jacket. I am madly in love with the wool from which I make jackets. 12 hours o
Are you need healing? And my Luiren Cosplay Craft store (link in bio) made wigs now! #overwatch #m
I can made Grey Warden armor in any color. And I love it! And mostly love silk lining to gambezons #
Grey wardens gambezons party in my workshop! Day 4-6 for made it in #cosplaymarathon #cosplay #cos