Costume Hair Gallery
squashed nuts
nude housewife
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Costumes of the ancient world from Auguste Racinet’s Complete Costume History
Long or short hair, it’s still Nero. Pretty sure we will get his DMC4 costume too or something close
Costume by Kismet-Bellydance
sci-fi-gifs:The Fifth Element (1997) dir. Luc Besson– costume design by Jean Paul Gaultier^Gaultier
espill:dupionianddamask:sartorialadventure:Hairstyle of the traditional fallera costume, Valencia, S
sersh:Lily James hair, make-up & costume test for Baby Driver, ‘First appearance’
Hairpin, Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), China
Marie Antoinette Wig //WigsofWonder
Meghan Leese as Cinderella in “True Cinderella” from Glassbook Magazine, wearing a design by Rachel
westafricanbaby:Issa princess Full tutorial for my Warrior Princess Halloween look is now on my YouT
Reconstruction of women’s hairstyles from the 14th and 15th century Europe
(via Angel Sallade)
fuckyeahchinesefashion:men in chinese costume drama
needsmoregreen:tiktokofoz:mzminola:I see you there playing with your wig Kurt. No one else is, and t
“Femmes de profil en costume de cour, vues en buste,deux têtes d'enfants,un évangéliste”
Roman heads by Baxter Thomas
forthegothicheroine:phanwolf:Sweeney Todd 2016 Korean production That is the best Lovett hair I have
elsiemarina:Marilyn Monroe in hair and costume tests for Something’s Got to Give, April 1962.
Hairstyle of the traditional fallera costume, Valencia, Spain. Traditionally, a lace veil headdress
B E C K Y ~ W I T H ~ T H E ~ G O O D ~ H A I R