Creations Tolkien Gallery
losomatsu sangeles
But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt. As night falling winter has come
Númenóreans + water. Fëanorians + hands // Nolofinweans + hair // Arafinweans + j
AMANYO ☆ a prince of the teleri and a grandson of high king, olwë. he is the son of prince
ËARONDO ☆he is the second son of the high king of the teleri, olwë and his wife, inya
ITARIEL ☆ the youngest of the four children of the high king of the vanyar, ingwë.she marr
VAYAMÍRE ☆ princess of alqualondë and the granddaughter of high king, olwë.the wife
MANÓ ☆ among the maiar. the most loyal servent of namó.for @melkors-4th-silmaril
ÍRIMË LALWEN ☆the fourth child and second daughter of finwë.princess of the no
TOLKIEN AU ☆ ELROND as a descendant of CELEGORM[through Dior]Elros is all wild tumbles, dirt on his
FINDUILAS ☆ the daughter of orodreth and the princess of nargothrond.for @arwenindomiel