Crustose Lichen Gallery
maui nude
body practice
kurt koenig
morrak:lichenaday:Tephromela atraT. atra is crustose, with irregular areoles and a cracked, popcorny
Koerberiella wimmerianaAnd this timeWe’re going to get *BUMPY*K. wimmeriana is a crustose
Lecanora mughicolaSo often when I see the scientific names of lichens, I wonder if the people who na
25 March 2016
Polycauliona luteominia Red firedot lichenThis crustose lichen has a thin, immersed basal thallus, a
25 March 2016
Polycauliona luteominia Red firedot lichenThis crustose lichen has a thin, immersed basal thallus, a
Foliose and crustose lichens - Líquenes foliáceos e crustáceosTrancoso/Portugal