Cute Quotes Gallery
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If she says it, it must be true! @mudecartoon
Yorgun olan vücudun değil ruhun kalbindir.
Moon Rover.
kaitegecko:witch quotes. part ii.
“What greater gift than the love of a cat..”-James Harriot
Undeniable proof that cats are aliens
allanimemangaquotes:FB | TWITTER | QUOTURES LIST ~~~ Cur tempus matutinum venit cotidie?!
Herkesin hayatında değişmesine sebebiyet veren bir kişi kesinlikle vardır.
cutesecrets:MORE QUOTES HERE!
Aw he’s so cute
“Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her, and one for them together.&rdquo
“I just want to be held and kissed and all that good stuff.”follow @ldrdiariess for LDR quotes &
I made this on my phone ^_^
Anime error erat!Anime was a mistake!(Fons Imaginis.)
Kick Start your day with the CUTEST quotes on Instagram, Love #2!
For the fights
Quotes auf We Heart It.
“The cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf.”— Thomas Paine
Everyone thinks they’re supposed to have it all figured out to be happy, but the truth is rarely do