Cypriot Sculpture Gallery
the hills
18 plus
Statuette (limestone) of a beardless male votary in Greek dress. Artist unknown; late 6th cent. BCE.
Cypriot limestone upper body of a woman, archaic late 6th century
Ancient Greek limestone statuette of a young male votary holding a pyxis (cylindrical vessel with li
Ancient Greek limestone statuette of a male votary. Artist unknown; 6th cent. BCE. From Cyprus; no
Marble statue of the hero Meleager. Artist unknown; 2nd cent. CE. From the gymnasium of Cypriot Sa
ancientart:Limestone bearded man, Cypriot, Archaic, early 6th century BC. Currently located at the M
Armenian Genocide monument in Larnaca (Cyprus), one of the first countries to recognize the Armenian
greekromangods: Aphrodite holding winged Eros Cypriot; Classical, Late 4th century BC Culture: Cypri
Limestone head from the statue of a worshiper of Apollo, bearded and wearing a helmet with upturned
Aphrodite holding winged ErosCypriot; Classical, Late 4th century BCCulture: CypriotLimestoneThe Met