Danielmirante Gallery
monstrous menagerie
primal hardwere
Through the Veil IV.Oil on canvas.Based on the Flammarion engraving.Painter : Daniel Mirante
Heartbeat of the Medicine BirdMischtechnik on linen, 195x135cmwww.danielmirante.com
Anima Mundi (Detail)Oil and tempera grass on linenwww.danielmirante.com
Venus Ishtar Neith120x80cm oil and egg tempera on linen.Private collection.Daniel Mirante
Babylon, Detailwww.danielmirante.com
‘Sun’ by Daniel MiranteSoffio mischtechnik on linen. 130x200cm
Daniel Mirante and visionary art featured in Lucuma Magazine
Details. Through the Veil IV. Oil on Canvas. Painter : Daniel Mirante
Through the Veil IV.Oil on canvas.Based on the Flammarion engraving.Painter : Daniel Mirante
Tree Study, egg temperawww.danielmirante.com
Golden Sophia, mischtechnik on panel Daniel Mirante www.danielmirante.com
MadimiDaniel Mirante, oil on canvaswww.danielmirante.com
Chanting down BabylonTempera grassa and gum arabic emulsion on linen 135x195cmwww.danielmirante.com
Heartbeat of the Medicine BirdMischtechnik on linen, 195x135cmwww.danielmirante.com
Anima Mundi (Detail)Oil and tempera grass on linenwww.danielmirante.com
Anima Mundi (Our Lady of the Forsaken)Final version, face repaintedDaniel Mirante www.danielmirante.
‘Bodhicitta’ - Egg tempera, plaka and SRO linseed oil and earth pigment on panel by Dani