Dating Quotes Gallery
nye 2016
goodbye lenin
pleasant hill
avoiding shouldergate 20
lighting feature
Black & Gray | @wnq-typography
“I just want you to know, that when I picture myself happy, it’s with you.”mytrans
lovelustquotes:“She was just another broken doll, dreaming of a boy with glue” -Atticus, poet
I need to hear this rn
lovelustquotes:Sorry for needing constant reassurance that I’m not as annoying as I think I am.
Sapio lovers
Some Tinder shower thoughts
Evidence that god exists and is listening. My dream has come true
She’s 4’11”…this unmatch is for my short kings.
Credit him for honesty?
Stay safe out there.
Know your worth
I like her style
I am a gentleman.
oh albus
What in the Florida ?
If this won’t work, I’m done
I can’t make this shit up…
If I had Tinder Platinum
Some of the shit that works on here
Turtle All The Way Down By John Green | @wnq-books
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin | @wnq-books
The Hate U Give By Angie Thomas | @wnq-books