Dbzfanart Gallery
ruffle neck
galleria forma
illithid kin
Return to the modern day AU where the Saiyans love Earth () and Bulma owns a bar?? Don’t ask, just g
These kind of fanarts really hurt and remind me how awsome it would be to actually see this becoming
Source: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58606515
(Not my art)
Oolong wasn’t expecting to participate. But Puar is there to help! As… hype.. man.
Return to the modern day AU where the Saiyans love Earth () and Bulma owns a bar?? Don’t ask,
⚾ “Power comes in response to a need , not a desire. You have to create that need.&rdq
More uncle 17 :3 <3(Not mine)
Now if only this could actually happen in DRAGON BALL SUPER.Credit goes to: websta.me/n/
post cell reunion <333
Bulma, Vegeta and baby Trunks . . #vegebul #vegeta #bulma #trunks #dbz #dragonballz #family #babytr