Dceuedi Gallery
artemia venus
mont ventoux
Zack Snyder’s Superman-Trilogy (2013-2021)
Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne in Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)
Wonder Woman (2017) dir.: Patty Jenkins
snydercut “I need warriors.” #SnyderCut
amazig joker by jared letofrom “suicide squad” movie
Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent in Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)
This is amazing.JUSTICE LEAGUE (2017) dir. Zack Snyder
The bell’s been rung. Out in the dark. Among the stars. The God is dead.ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE
We live in a society where honor is a distant memory. Isn’t that right... Batman?
Darkseid, DeSaad & Granny Goodness inZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE (2021)
Besides, who’s gonna give you a reach-around?Jared Leto as The JokerDC Extended Universe (2016
BIRDS OF PREY (2020) dir. Cathy Yan
Amber Heard for Young Hollywoood, by Claiborne Swanson Frank (2014)
Amber Heard attends ‘Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology’ Costume Institute
Amber Heard attends ‘Magic Mike XXL’ premiere in London (June 30, 2015)
“ I failed him. In life. I won’t fail him in death.”Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)Dir. Za
incredibleanatoli knyazev by callan mulvey(kgbeast in comics)batman v superman: dawn of justice ulti
Ciarán Hinds as Steppenwolf in Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)
Wonder Woman (2017)
What the bloody hell is she playing at?!
A gift to @lindseymcrgcn from your Secret Santa! Merry Christmas!
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince in Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)