Dd Antiquarian Gallery
photo ninja
laser cat
erma young-wilburn
blood father
Figureheads - from a19th century provincial ship builders sketch book Kelsick Wood Maryport Cumberla
The Jungle Book & Second Jungle Book by Rudyard KiplingEarly printings of the first editions 189
Beautiful detailed initial letter 1691
Unusual “Magic Picture” Ephemera Coronation of Edward VIIIsaac H Blanchard Co. New York
Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage - Hermann Buhl FIrst Edition 1956
The Stand Magazine July - December 1891contains The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by A Conan Doyle -
Games of Skill & Conjuring [intricate gilt blocked cover detail]London 1862 - New edition with 1
Cherubsfinely engraved tail-piece Paris 1674
Biblia Sacra - Joan Blaeu Amsterdam 1651 bound with The whole book of Psalms London 1652
Rudyard Kipling Seven Seas - 1897 - attractive art nouveau style covers
Paradise Regain’d A Poem in Four Books to which is added Samson Agonistes and Poems upon Sever
About half of the books we have published and republished over the years Michael Moon Antiquarian Bo
The Pistol Armor of Charles Noe Daly,Charles Noe Daly was an antiquarian who discovered this bizarre
Recent Discoveries in the Arctic Regionsdrawn by Jehoshaphat Aspin 1838London John Harris 1838measur
An English Woman Sergeant in the Serbian Army - Flora SandesFirst Edition 1916
Attractive art nouveau dandelion covers c1920
Detailed wood engraving George and the DragonGlasgow mid 19th century c1850