Domesticviolence Gallery
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#Repost @traumaandco (@get_repost)・・・You should never be forced to share your story, and, if you cho
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#Repost @mental_abuse_survivors (@get_repost)・・・#mentalabuse#domesticabuse#domesticviolence#lovedoes
Regrann from @legal_equalizer_app-Know your rights with our FREE app Legal Equalizer. Available on #
#Repost @mental_abuse_survivors (@get_repost)・・・#mentalabuse#narcissist#sociopath#narcissistsurvivor
❌ Global estimates published by WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experie
I spent so many years of my life trying to please abusive, toxic people until I finally learned how