Dynasty Gallery
Traditional chinese hanfu worn during the Tang dynasty (1618-907)
Traditional Chinese fashion, hanfu in Song dynasty style. 天下九歌
Bronze aegis of the goddess Isis, showing the goddess wearing a tripartite wig with twelve uraeus-se
Limestone relief fragment showing cattle of the 4th Dynasty pharaoh Khufu. Artist unknown; ca. 2551
Illustration after relief fragments from the shrine of Aashit (one of Mentuhotep’s wifes) at the Mor
Ancient Egyptian murals from the tomb of Nakht, Thebes. Reign of Thutmose IV, 18th dynasty, 1422-141
Murals from the tomb of Ancient Egyptian official Djeserkaraseneb, Scribe and Counter of the Grain i
Bottom of an ancient Egyptian scarab (green-glazed steatite), depicting the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Ame
Paintings from the coffin of Nesykhonsu, late 21st Dynasty
Chinese hanfu by 南熏
Statue of Horemheb, last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, with the god Amun. Artist unknown; ca. 1319-1
Ancient Egyptian column capital (limestone) in the shape of the head of the goddess Hathor. The col
Spring Outing of the Tang Court, Zhang Xuan, 8th cent. CE
Ancient Egyptian stela (painted limestone) depicting the sculptor Qen worshiping Amenhotep I and Ahm
Ramses II as a young boy, 19th dynasty
The goddess Isis greets the 30th Dynasty pharaoh Nectanebo II. Fragment (painted limestone) of the d
Ushabti (glazed and painted steatite) of the chief steward and scribe Seniu. Artist unknown; ca. 15
Statue of King NeferefreThe statue depicts King Neferefre sitting on his throne. He wears a short wi
Ancient Egyptian relief sculpture (painted limestone) of a porcupine. Detail of a wall fragment from
Detail from an ancient Egyptian papyrus, depicting a lion playing the board game of senet against a
Murals from the tomb of Neferrenpet, scribe of the Treasury in the Estate of the Temple of Amun-Re,
egyptologifs:Taharqo’s Shabtis, 25th Dynasty (Third Intermediate Period)Shabtis were symbolic figuri
Ancient Egyptian crystal dummy canopic jar, inscription scratched on side, dynasty 6, 2323-2150 BCE,
Votive stele in honor of the god Ptah, dedicated in his temple at Deir el-Medina by Nakht-em-Mut, fo