Elugraphy Gallery
lost child
ame churches
ellis draws
joseph pevney
elugraphy:川の畔の巨大発電所→詳細Abandoned giant power plant in river side.
elugraphy:Abadoned gorgeous Japanese love-hotel.
elugraphy:霧の中の研究施設→詳細Abandoned research facility in the mist.
elugraphy:蟯虫標本のある学校A school with specimens of eggs.@horrorjapan蟯虫 (ぎょうちゅう, gyouchuu) means threadwor
elugraphy:紫陽花とオルガンの学校→詳細Abandoned school with Hydrangea and Organ.
elugraphy:川の畔の巨大発電所→詳細Abandoned giant power plant in river side.
elugraphy:ガラス屋根の教会→詳細Abandoned glass roof church.
elugraphy:緑の窓枠の郵便局→詳細Abandoned post office with green window sill.
elugraphy:思い出のつまった小学校→詳細Abandoned school with lots of memories.
elugraphy:上下逆さまの店→詳細Abandoned upside down shop.
elugraphy:白丸ランプのホテル→詳細Abandoned hotel with white round lamp.
elugraphy:歪んだピアノの学校→詳細Abandoned school with a distorted piano.
elugraphy:湖に浮かぶ発電所Abandoned power station on the lake.
elugraphy:桜の下で眠る学校→詳細Abandoned school sleeping under the cherry blossoms.
elugraphy:川の畔の巨大発電所→詳細Abandoned giant power plant in river side.
elugraphy: 宮殿のようなホテル-1Abandoned hotel like a palace 01.
elugraphy:宮殿のようなホテル-2Abandoned hotel like a palace 02.
elugraphy:宮殿のようなホテル-3Abandoned hotel like a palace 03.
abracatastrofe: elugraphy: 台湾のUFO型ハウスAbandoned UFO houses in Taiwan. ️