Embrace Curls Gallery
indian miniaturists
artist goalssss
Hot #summer16 @nickysaysyolo |@paulandshana ——————#2FroChicks #p
@nickysaysyolo |photography @paulandshana | #2FroChicks #paulandshana #NaturalHair #Melanin #Curls #
Lightning strikes every time she moves ⚡️ @nickysaysyolo |photography @paulandshana | #2FroChicks #p
Woman in red@nickysaysyolo |photography @paulandshana | #2FroChicks #paulandshana #NaturalHair #Mela
This is not something new. I’m just glad that it’s finally getting some attention. Black
@bellejesuis www.2FroChicks.comYouTube.com/2FroChicks #2FroChicks #NaturalHair #Melanin #Curls #Curl
Melanin www.2FroChicks.comYouTube.com/2FroChicks #2FroChicks #NaturalHair #Melanin #Curls #Curlyhair
“Strange Fruit” Cora Emmanuel photographed by Alexandra Bernard for Grazia France 3 March 2016 www.2
Simplicity ☑️*tag her*———————————&
The deception. Don’t let the shrinkage fool you. Natural hair does grow boo boo www.2FroChicks
Throwback with my Curlie hunnies at The Luxe List x Fit Edition | check ‘em out @nickysaysyolo @paig
Precious fro baby www.2FroChicks.comYouTube.com/2FroChicks #2FroChicks #NaturalHair #Melanin #Curls
Fo Reaaal! #condition #curlygirlhairprobs #twist #deepcondition #2FroChicks #NaturalHair #NaturalGir
Chilling with my Curlie hunnies at The Luxe List x Fit Edition @nickysaysyolo@paigealexis2 @curls.an
@nickysaysyolo |@calickstay | www.2FroChicks.comYouTube.com/2FroChicks #2FroChicks #NaturalHair #Mel
We have come so far and yet there’s a long road ahead #StayFocused #BlackLivesMatter—&md
BOSS @im.angelabassett YouTube.com/2FroChicks www.2FroChicks.com#2FroChicks #NaturalHair #MyHairCrus
Yes to@neeffresh’s fabulous mega fro! YouTube.com/2FroChicks www.2FroChicks.com#2FroChicks #NaturalH
Curly baby girl✨ www.2FroChicks.comYouTube.com/2FroChicks #2FroChicks #NaturalHair #Melanin #Curls #
Aye you know that’s right. Turn upwww.2FroChicks.comYouTube.com/2FroChicks #2FroChicks #Natura
☀️☀️ bronzed YouTube.com/2FroChicks #2FroChicks #NaturalHair #MyHairCrush #NaturalChix #Melanin #Cur