Escrime Gallery
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Fencing isn’t really fighting. It’s more like chess with the risk of puncture wounds.- S
Thanksgiving is over…it’s okay to move on to the next festive season, right?…rig
Merry Christmas to All!
Packsgiving 2015Hanging Out/ The Paper Plate AwardsPhoto credit: @chesharkt-rex
houghtonlib: “Escrime” Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire des sciences, 1751. H 5690.799.60 Houghton Lib
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So I bought a super durable case for my new gopro and tried to get some first person sparring footag
Merry Christmas to All!
Thanksgiving is over…it’s okay to move on to the next festive season, right?&am
When you bring a friend to a fencing tournament the first time and they don’t get yelling.
Packsgiving 2015Hanging Out/ The Paper Plate AwardsPhoto credit: @chesharkt-rex
The intrepid fencer never misses an opportunity to score a few more points.
eroticpictures: Camille MM Zorotte vénérait son vieux maître d’escrime
On peut vaincre avec une épée et être vaincu par un baiser.- Daniel Heinsius
Men’s Individual Sabre - Moscow 2015 - Prelims
lumieredesroses: Escrimeuse - 1900 USA Courtesy Galerie Lumiere des
L'escrimeuse. Oil on panel. 55 x 37.8 cm. Art by Jean Béraud.(1849-1935).