Famousartthroughhistory Gallery
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famousartthroughhistory:Sarcophagus with creation of humans by Prometheus, marble, c. 300 CE
famousartthroughhistory:Atlas Farnese, Roman 2nd CE copyof Greek Hellenistic original,marble
famousartthroughhistory:Roman relief of Rheia handing stone toKronos, marble, 2nd c. CE
famousartthroughhistory:Fresco from ekklesiasterion, with Io arriving in Canopus, Temple of Isis, Po
famousartthroughhistory:Votive relief forCybele and Attis,marble, c. 230 BCE
famousartthroughhistory:SamniteHouse, artist unknown, 2ndc. BCE
famousartthroughhistory:Kylix tondo by Douris, the dead Ajax, Attic red-figure onceramic, ca. 490 BC
famousartthroughhistory:Latona (Leto),terracotta, fromPortonaccio Templeat Veii, c. 515-490BCE
famousartthroughhistory:Metope from Sanctuary of Athena at Troy, marble, after 300 BCE
romegreeceart:famousartthroughhistory:Bell krater by Pan Painter, obverse, Attic red-figure on ceram
famousartthroughhistory:Metope showing Heracles andthe Kerkopes, Temple C,Selinus, c. 540 BCE, limes
famousartthroughhistory:Sarcophagus with Indian triumph of Dionysos, marble, c. 190 CE
famousartthroughhistory:Niobid Painter name vase, Attic red-figureon ceramic, c. 460-450 BCE