Fashion Class Gallery
white obi
Model: @mirah_mufasaHair: @__.june21st Mua: @enweirmakeup Jewelry: @shoparisar Ph: @kweenkamilah
the classiest of skirts for the ruralest of womenspotted in Deseret Industries in Sacramento, CA
Krystin Lee, Suburban Faux Pas
fashionsfromhistory:Shirt & Trousers and Jacket & PetticoatLate 18th Century & 1790sFren
Chuck Taylor, All Star for Converse, 1923.
the rainbow: red
Haley Shepherd, Sequins & Things
when your beanie is designer
Rahama Sadau - Nigerian Actress.
Amber Fillerup Clark, Barefoot Blonde
When you’re a Harvard Classics disaster
Dana Frost, The Closet Confessional
I want to spend a day where I can just walk around, exploring and taking pictures. A day where I hav
Daphne Moreau, Mode and the City
December winter look. Time to stay warm!
Renaissance Flemish fashions by Diasy Viktoria3-4. Working class
Dandy in the grounds of Burton Agnes Hall, East Riding of Yorkshire, England.
White steps (National Library of Greece in Athens)
Musical cats (featuring cat hair)There’s a cat on my mask too, but it’s on the other che
Anna Jane Wisniewski, See (Anna) Jane
60s vibes
Carly Heitlinger, The College Prepster
Mr. Steve McQueen.