Feles Gallery
olga svart
klassische musik
thoodleoo:some bodacious ancient kittiesHae bodaces antiquae feles mihi placent!
Si feles mea plurimum dormit, tunc quinque et septem sunt duodecim.If my cat sleeps a lot, then 5 +
Ecce feles esurientes!Look! Hungry kitties!
Feles bellula conans currere ad apicem laborat, sed sicut Sisyphus frustra.The cute kitty works as h
Haec esse feles musica videtur!This seems to be a musical cat!
Feles loquentesTalking cats
awesome-picz:Cats That Fell Asleep In The Weirdest Places~~~Feles Quae in Locis Insolitissimis Obdor
picsthatmakeyougohmm:hmmmEcce feles e societate distantes.
thoodleoo:he’s doing such a good job~~~Feles archaeologusque Nestor Davis locum qui perfecte aptus a
oporst:@interretialia~~~Feles… Scyliorhini… Feles… Felio…
Quomodo scias quando feles tua plene carricata sit…How to know when your cat is fully charged
~~~Hic usor feles amat.
feles, non homo sapiens esgetoutoftherecat:cat, you are not a human
interretialia:Feles in glaciecaitluffs:alxbngala:Cat on Ice [x]KITTY ❤️
Estne haec feles fautrix teniludii?Is this cat a tennis fan?lichtenstrange:justshootmeinthehead:live
Feles addita est.A cat is added.
Hae feles graves sunt. Nequeo… tam fessa.Moribunda sum.
Feles Quae Tamquam Vir Sedet
yolo-are-avi-atum:Vocabularia hodierna – fēles, fēlis, f. - cat
~~~Ascenditne an descendithaec feles?
Feles loquentes ante Sabrinam habuimusWe had talking cats before Sabrina
Feles Negans!NO NO NO NO NO Cat!
~~~Feles quoque affectus habent!