Feralcyclingmadness Gallery
Finally we can show you our new garments!! Thanks to @phigma.cy for the amazing work! Let’s hi
Sonreír siempre : @bosquapicadura #chickenlegsteam #fixedgear #dosnoventa #fixiegirls #hurr
With the chicken friends!! @pfbcolombia Bogotá ➡️ Villa de Leyva! : @jersinho ❤️ #chickenlegs
Colombian Coffee . #chickenlegsteam #cycling #feralcyclingmadness #womencycling #stravacycling #run
Last ride of the year with style! Y con mi @jersinho ❤️ #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #weou
Hasta aquí el 2018! : @marcelina_mace . #chickenlegsteam #cycling #feralcyclingmadness #road
Arepaaaaaas con @jersinho #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #womencycling #womenonbikes #canno
Recobrando fuerzas para no morir del todo no más parones de un mes! #chickenlegsteam #feralc
Suffering after 3 weeks off… …. : @notxavi #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadn
El placer de poder salir dos días seguidos, aunque sea cortito. . #chickenlegsteam #feralcycl
@marcelina_mace B-DAY RIDE | : @notxavi . #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #cycling #roadbike
The beginning of paincave | @notxavi . #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #falcoteam #cycling #r
Back to the roots . #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #falcoteam #cycling #friends #stravacycli
♀️ #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #womencycling #raphacc #mavic #giro #colombia https:/
Up up to “el dorado” #cycling #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #womencycling #colom
“El Dorado” . #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #cycling #roadbike #stravacycling #r
Outfit y bici lista para @zuedenteam #240km Fondo de finca a finca #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingm
Route master at work #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #womancycling #weoutdoor #gravel #canno
The best landscapes are the colombian ones! . . #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #cycling #woma
OLD LEGS… | : @marcelina_mace . #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #cycling #focusbik
Zipa.con #cycling #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #womencycling #mavic #colombia www
: @notxavi . #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #cycling #roadtrip #roadbike #colombianmountains
Pollo congelado ❄️ a sus órdenes #chickenlegsteam #feralcyclingmadness #cycling #rapha #rap
En el mundo de las hadas aka Gachetá! Pasando del calor al frío invernal en 3h y m&aac