Filmshooter Gallery
pigeonfoo D I S T R I C T
rafael lozano-hemmer
Winter HoursLeica M6 Ilford HP5 FilmRittenhouse SquarePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
City HallNikon FE / Ilford HP5 FMPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
UntitledLeica M6 / Kodak Portra 400 FilmLititz, Pennsylvania
Ode to VincentKonica MG / Kodak Gold 200 Film Collingswood, New Jersey
Autumn’s MenuLeica M6 / Fuji 200 FilmMilford, New York
Shooting Film/ Snow RideOlympus XA / Ilford HP5 FilmPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
Flowers for AlexandraLeica M6 / Kodak Portra 400 FilmLexington, Kentucky
Central MarketLeica M6 / Kodak Portra 400Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Color RustLeica M6 / Kodak Portra 400Berks County, Pennsylvania
Shooting FilmLeica M6 / Kodak Portra 400Brooklyn, New York
Via @kirsanovnikita #buyfilmnotmegapixels #filmisnotdead #filmshooters #monochrome #bnw #kirsanovpho
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MoCA MomentLeica M6 / IlfordHP5 FilmNorth Adams, MA
In the HoodLeica M6 / Kodak TMax 400 FilmPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
Hiking.Follow me on Instagram.
Looking south from the pinnacle towards the dolerite columns near Rocking Stone. Mamiya RB67 Pro-S /
Neon trees.Follow me on Instagram.
Minimal days.Follow me on Instagram.
Looking south from the pinnacle towards the dolerite columns near Rocking Stone. Mamiya RB67 Pro-S /
Minimal days.Follow me on Instagram.