Florentine Renaissance Gallery
alessia ferrante
Portrait of a woman by Florentine painter Domenico Puligo (1492–1527)
Portrait of a Young Man, Andrea del Sarto, ca. 1517-18
Tobias and the Angel, Filippino Lippi, ca. 1472-82
Adoration of the Magi, Fra Angelico, 1423-24
Madonna and Child with a Swallow, Francesco Pesellino, ca. 1445
The Vision of Saint Bernard, Domenico Puligo, ca. 1520
The Annunciation, Filippo Lippi, ca. 1445
The Adoration of the Magi, attr. to Raffaello Botticini, ca. 1495
Florentine Lace PantyhoseFlorence, Italy is known for it’s fabulous Renaissance art and archit
St. Peter Healing the Sick with His Shadow, Masaccio, 1426-27
“Beautiful Ginervra” Florentine Renaissance dress by Armstreet1. Photo by Jingna Zhang
Madonna and Child with Angels, Giovanni dal Ponte (Giovanni di Marco), ca. 1410-19
Dormition of the Virgin, Fra Angelico, 1431-32
St. Nicholas of Bari, Fra Angelico, 1425-30
Flight into Egypt, Fra Angelico, 1451-52
Saints Lawrence, Christopher, Sebastian, and a Bishop Saint, Mariotto di Nardo (fl. 1388-1424)
Agnolo Bronzino, Venus Cupid, Folly, and Time (a.k.a. A Triumph of Venus and An Allegory of Venus an
Portrait of a Young Lady Holding a Cat, Bacchiacca, ca. 1525-30
St. Luke Painting the Virgin, Giorgio Vasari, after 1565
Julius Caesar, Andrea Ferrucci, ca. 1512-14
St. James the Greater Freeing the Magician Hermogenes, Fra Angelico, 1435
The Visitation, Mariotto Albertinelli, 1503
1490s Florentine in copper silk and green brocade by Samantha Reckford, modeled by artist
The Sermon on the Mount, Cosimo Rosselli, 1481-82