Florentine School Gallery
Portrait of a Woman and Child (Allegory of Liberality), Francesco Bacchiacca, ca. 1525-1535
St. John the Baptist, Andrea del Sarto, 1521
Disputation on the Trinity, Andrea del Sarto, 1517
The Scene of Christ in the Temple, Fra Bartolomeo, 1516
St. Fortunatus Enthroned, Benozzo Gozzoli, 1450
Self-Portrait, Alessandro Allori, ca. 1555
Miracle of the Stigmata (St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata), Domenico Ghirlandaio, 1482-85
Coronation of the Virgin (aka the Oddi Altarpiece), Raphael, 1502-04
The Annunciation, attr. to Paolo Uccello, 1420s
The Harrowing of Hell, Fra Angelico, ca. 1435-1446
St. Anthony Abbot Shunning the Mass of Gold, Fra Angelico, ca. 1435-1440
Justice, Giorgio Vasari, 1542
Pietà , Rosso Fiorentino, 1537-40
Doni Tondo, Michelangelo, 1506-1508Happy birthday to Michelangelo Buonarroti, born on this date in 1
Calumny of Apelles, Sandro Botticelli, ca. 1495
Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro, Rosso Fiorentino, 1523-24
twirld: Winged Personification of Fortuna on a Wheel (ca. 1550) Florentine School
Profile portrait of a young lady.1465. Oil on wood. 52.2 x 36.2 cm. Artist unknown.