Fresh Memes Gallery
alesya kaf
stage clothes
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nostalgia train
freshhotyaois:kelekelo submittedBREG-SANかわいい! Bellule! χαριτωμένως!
fresh new memes
if the printing press did that, how will the advent of internet and memes eventually culminate
interretialia:interretialia:Takes all 8 AM classesIntentionallyOctava hora ante meridiem omnes class
interretialia:Cervisiam tibi fundit90% spuma estPours you a beer90 percent foam
interretialia:Cadit in probatione“Iste praeceptor tam stupidus est!”Fails test“Tha
interretialia:Putat diploma studiorum quod e collegio venerit sibi cursum vivendi suppeditaturum ess
Fresh hasbin hotel meme
interretialia:Primum mensem Philosophiae 101 confecit“Hahahae! Ponisne dicta a Dawkins? Ille
celestialeevee:fresh-baked hot Good Omens memes, made by hand by local artisans
kinksofyourlife: He brings waves of fun
Takes Psych 101Starts analyzing everyone he knows Psychologiam 101 frequentatOmnes quos scit analyza
I find this super funny via @9gag-tv
aqueeraphale:fresh-baked hot Good Omens memes, made by hand by local artisans
In acroasim computatrulum portabile fert50 minutas Facebook utiturBrings laptop to lecture50 minutes
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MoriturFacit ut alcohol in campo interdicaturDiesGets alcohol banned on campus
Eum ad The Daily Show introducisNova disciplina primaria eius: Scientia PoliticaIntroduce him to The
temporarily oppressed worker-owners