Fuckyeahbotany Gallery
or14 overwatch
martin deeks
isabel monsees
Botanical illustration of Pulmonaria officinalis, circa 1885.
fuckyeahpassionflowers: Passiflora venusta A relatively new addition to the passionflower family, P
Cosmos atrosanguineus, chocolate cosmos. This species of cosmos is extinct in the wild. It exists as
Hoya carnosa, the wax plant
Puya venusta
Tacca chantrieri, black bat flower
Rebutia spp.
Physalis philadelphica, tomatillo ‘Purple de Milpa’
Botanical illustration of Pulmonaria officinalis, circa 1885.
fuckyeahpassionflowers: Passiflora triloba. Syn: P. columbrina This beautiful flower belongs to the
A cultivar of Brassica oleracea, and a famous example of an approximate fractal in nature. proofmath
Dianthus sp. var. ‘Chomley Farran’
A cultivar of Brassica oleracea, and a famous example of an approximate fractal in nature. proofmath
Anagallis arvensis azurea, scarlet pimpernel. This species is a common weed in Europe and North Amer
Mackinlaya macrosciadeaFruit surface blue-grey. Fruits arranged in umbels, laterally compressed, and
Chenopodium capitatum illustrationFlora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera,
Cyclamen sp.
Dianthus sp. var. ‘Chomley Farran’
Lonicera caerulea fruit diversity.
Nemophila menziesii, baby blue eyes. A wildflower native to California and Oregon.
Lamprocapnos spectabilis, bleeding-heart
Couroupita guianensis, cannonball tree
Lunaria annua, money plant
Clematis sp.