Fuji Negative Gallery
girlgroups headers
taylor bird
vittore pisano
angie fanart
FionaApril 2015
jameswigger: Red Shoes: Ascending Fuji FP-100C45, negative
Ginny. Mount Tamalpais, CA.
Richelle, India and Alison for Ballerina shoot. Menlo Park, CA.
Experimenting with Fuji instant film - Tokyo, Japan.
A walk in the woods, 5 sept. 2020 ~ Fujica AUTO-5, Lomography Color Negative 400 ASA 35mm
Lobo| Texas, 2019XpanKodak Portra 400 +1From my ongoing series showing next weekend!“Remants of the
Lobo| Texas, 2019 Xpan Kodak Portra 400 +1 From my ongoing series showing next weekend! “Reman
Park Ave, 2018 #xpan #shootitwithfilm #cinestill800 #kodak #5219 #35mm #everybodystreet #streethoney
Love the process.
I sell prints of my photo work. $100 per 16x20. All traditional C prints from negatives on Fuji type