Fujixphotographers Gallery
Bizzare rock formation on the Isle of Skye
Isle of Skye during a stormy spring morning
Lookout over the beautiful City of Baden-Switzerland
Full moon experimental shoot over 180sek.
Sunset at Neist Point on Isle of Skye
Talisker Bay, where the Whisky comes from.
Isle of Skye during a stormy spring morning
Manhattan awaking.
Stormy weather in the mountains. Luckely the storm didnt hit us this time.
Close up of a Puffins, which are really beautiful birds and really fun to photograph.
The old man of storr during sunrise at 04:45 in the morning.
Amazing Arch at strathy point in Scotland.
First try of some startrails…
Rising moon whilst the last sunlights covers the mountain tips with golden light
Lancaster county farmlife-Pennsylvania
Last summer. The Alpstein mountain range as seen as from the Hoher Kasten in switzerland.
Sunrise at the old man of storr-Isle of Skye
Thw sun just hits the tip of the Manhattan Bridge.
I couldnt find any better view of the Brooklyn Bridge than this one.
What looks like the sun is actually the fullmoon.
An absolutely stunning sunrise over the valley.
Beautiful light conditions
The Alpstein mountain range in the eastern part of Switzerland.
The rare opportunity to photograph the milkyway during full moon. When I took this picture, the moon