Funwithspanish Gallery
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PROBAR can be to TRY or to TASTE, so “probar cosas nuevas” could be to try or to taste new things •P
¿Lo intento nuevamente? - Should I try it again?•Is there anything you’ve tried, g
I thought it would be a good time to talk about METAS (Goals). • Mi META es viajar a Italia pud
Desde el fondo de mi corazón - From the bottom of my heart. Hasta pronto, Debbie #spanishtidb
This came up in one of my classes the other day… It all boils down to what kind of party
No importa, seguiré el camino :) - It doesn’t matter I’ll follow the road . &bull
¡Precioso! - Gorgeous! ¿Cómo está el clima hoy donde vives? - How is the
Hay que practicar. Have you heard this before? Hay que estudiar, hay que esperar, hay que aprender
PROBAR can be to TRY or to TASTE, so “probar cosas nuevas” could be to try or to taste n
Can you think of another verb that is conjugated like “merecer”? Have fun! Hasta pronto,
Me hacen sentirme como si estuviera en un lugar encantado - They make me feel as if I were in an enc
APARECER and PARECER can get confusing, don’t you think? • Scroll through the pictures to
¿Lo intento nuevamente? - Should I try it again? • Is there anything you’ve tried,
You may also hear “bajo La luz de la luna” Hasta pronto, Debbie #spanishtidbits #learnsp
…you might as well make it look pretty. Hasta pronto, Debbie #spanishtidbits #speakspanis
¡Un día maravilloso! - A wonderful day! • Remember: PARECER = To look/seem PARECER
Amo los arcoíris - I love rainbows. ¿Y Tú? And you? Ayer en Toronto - Yesterday
Alcanzar on its own means to reach, but used before an infinitive changes to “to manage to&rdq
Yes, both are correct, they just mean different things. • Escribí la MINUTA de la reuni&
¿Cuál escogerías? Which one would you choose? • ESCOGER - To choose OPCI&O
¿Te gustan las películas? - Do you like movies? • ¡Toronto es el mejor luga
Mi nueva adición - My new addition. • ALGO translates most of the time as SOMETHING howe
¡Qué bella ciudad es Ottawa! ¿Has estado? What a beautiful city is Ottawa! Have
Me encantan los girasoles pero cuando los veo no puedo evitar pensar que el verano ya va a terminar&