Furtherup Gallery
hope poems
nessian art
theartofanimation:Ivan Belikov - further-up.tumblr.com - vimeo.com/furtherup -
theartofanimation:Ivan Belikov - further-up.tumblr.com - vimeo.com/furtherup -
Fairy / pencil and ink in Moleskine
MMXIXivanbelikov.com/portfolio/mmxixYellow ground pig as a guardian of 2019 Lunar New Year.B
Fantastic Beasts / Occamy2019ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/occamyWinged serpentine beast native
Cover illustration for the upcoming epic fantasy The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon,
Poloz on japanese AppStore among other illustrations created via Procreate app.itunes.apple.
Fantastic Beasts / Thunderbird2019ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/thunderbirdFlying beast that can
Feathered beast, fragment, 2018. www.instagram.com/p/Br8EmW2Bnsp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share
Ouroboros2016Graphic. The ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. It also
Zouwu2018ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/zouwuThe tribute to the second part of the Fantastic Beast
Flying ferocity. Fragment of an illustration for Impericon Festivals 2019.
Poloz2018ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/polozThe great feathered serpent. The interpretation of th
Wyvern2018ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/wyvernFeathered wyvern, a legendary winged two-footed dra
Gravedigger / pencil in Moleskine. Burying beetle inspired by the song ’Gravedigger’ by
Poloz, fragment, digital, 2018
Wyvern, fragment, 2018. Digital.
Lionheads / xxx sketch
xxxivanbelikov.com/portfolio/xxxAnother tribute to the heraldic elements of #amsterdam: lion
Basilisk2019ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/basiliskA legendary creature, the mythical hybrid of a
Impericon Festivals 20202019ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/impericon20Vicious multi-winged lion f
London2019ivanbelikov.com/portfolio/londonGuardian from the City of London’s coat of a
Nike Beijing 99 / Xiezhi2019Legendary Chinese beast for Nike Beijing 99 festival. Nike Beijing x Wie