Gem Stone Gallery
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PYRAMIDSUsed to draw-off negative energies.Balance and unblock chakras.Replenishes energy levels.Hel
Midnight blue kyanite in a silver wire frame.
Red Sponge Coral, Carnelian, Sunstone, Ivory Stone, Orange Selenite, Mookaite, Tiger Iron, Botswana
MALACHITE One incredibly beautiful stone that represents the deep beauty of Mother Nature. This
50 ct. Fancy Instense Yellow Diamond
Amazing Bullet Necklaces You can find her work here
Another tree pendant currently watching a documentary on sustainability. It is so amazing how much f
mistylines: Ruby aura crystals
A few of my older works from my silversmithing class back in high school.
CRYSTAL DRAGON SKULL!!! We recently acquired a gorgeous Agate Geode, hand carved into a gorgeous dra
Variations of Zoisite from FunWing
I haven’t made jewelry in so long, and I got inspired to make something. It obviously had
Boulder Opal in IronstoneLocality: Quilpie, Quilpie Shire, Queensland, Australia. Size: Cabinet
Spinel Loose Gemstones from IGS taken by Joel E. Arem
Selenite is a master at clearing space, self, and other objects/stones #gemstonetherapy #crystalheal