George Omalley Gallery
glass locket
Grey’s Anatomy 3x04: Meredith on drugs
Grey’s Anatomy (2005-)17x04 - You’ll Never Walk Alone
1x01 A Hard Day’s Night“The game: They say a person either has what it takes to play, or they don’t
The Original Five:Defending each other(Except for Alex)
You have a feeling? What kind of feeling?Like I might die.
Ahhh I started rewatching Grey’s Anatomy again because of this ask and I miss the original 5 so much
Cristina to Meredith: “I have to finish something here. Nothing feels finished. None of it feels fin
Grey’s Rewatch3x12 Six Days Part 2George: I don’t know how to exist in a world
George: 007. They’re calling me 007, aren’t they?Izzie, Meredith: No one&rsq