German Woodcuts Gallery
nathan fox
marcio freire
Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel (1881-1965), ‘Blauer Kakadu’ (Blue Cockatoo), “Deutsche
Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel (1881-1965), ‘Marabus’, “Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration&
Josef Eberz (1880-1942), ‘Nächtlicher Zirkus’ (Night Circus), “Deutsche Kunst und
Rudolf Schiestl (1878-1931), ‘Der Teufel Holt Einen Bauern’ (The Devil Halts a Farmer),
Ernst Barlach (1870-1938), ‘Walpurgisnacht - Hexenritt’, 1923Source
Bruno Goldschmitt (1881-1964), ‘Creation’, “The Studio”, Vol. 80, 1920Source
Käthe Kollwitz (1867-1945), ‘In Memoriam Karl Liebknecht’ (Gedenkblatt für Karl Liebknec
Jakob Steinhardt (1887-1968), ‘Demons in the Moonlight’, 1922Source
The Voyage of Saint UrsulaWorkshop of the Master of the Housebook (active ca. 1470–1500)Augsburg, ca
Alfred Schilder, ‘Adlerkampf’ (Eagles Fighting), ’'Die Graphisch
Gerhard Marcks (1889-1981), ‘Die Eule’ (The Owl), 1921Source
Albrecht Durer - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, part of series of 15 woodcuts (c.149
Woodcuts from Hans Holbein’s Dance of Death, circa 1532.
Apotheosis (Apotheose) from the portfolio Nine Woodcuts (Neun Holzschnitte), 1919 woodcut Otto Dix
Today marks the Jewish festival of Simhat Torah celebrating the completion of the annual c