German Words Gallery
Illumination from a medieval Haggadah (text for the Passover Seder), surrounding the first words of
Negative Verbs in #German! PS: Learn German with the best FREE online resources, just click here: h
What are the most important HR Vocabularies in German? PS: Learn German with the best FREE online r
geekyvamp: kiwialldaylong: What keeps me alive. I have to say, the Germans have the best words. a
Another great example how the Swedish language deals with loan words with a »ph« from Ancient Greek.
Discover the differences and similarities between the three languages.To find out more about loan wo
An airbag is a very palpable description for the life-saver inside a vehicle. Airbags are—of course—
After I explained yesterday the different ways of adapting loan words to the Swedish language here i
Once again: Swedish can be very easy.The English word »philosophy« has it’s roots in the Greek
How to say you’re good at something in #German? PS: Learn German with the best FREE online re
Wow ! The first words that will come out of your mouth when you see this impressive church of Cologn
kateoplis: German Words for the Human Condition
Discover the differences and similarities between the three languages. To find out more about loan w
There is a nice French word for standing in line waiting for something: »queue«. In the
Is there a Japanese or German expression for wearing a curse word in a language you don’t spea
geekyvamp: citrustree: my sister just taught me some fabulous words in german … one means th
Today is »Maundy Thursday«. In German it is called »Gründonnerstag« (li
An airbag is a very palpable description for the life-saver inside a vehicle. Airbags are—of c
Another great example how the Swedish language deals with loan words with a »ph« from An
After I explained yesterday the different ways of adapting loan words to the Swedish language here i
Once again: Swedish can be very easy. The English word »philosophy« has it’s r
Ein Teddybär ist ein Kuscheltier, dessen Namenspatron Theodore »Teddy« Roosevelt is
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day everybody!Schönen Valentinstag euch allen!Glad Alla hjär