Giraffid Gallery
boy blue
vintage biker
#Drawdinovember (without dinosaurs) day 1: Sivatherium!
#Drawdinovember (without dinosaurs) day 1: Sivatherium!
Decennatherium rex. Miocene. Spain
Giraffa cameleopardalis - Northern Giraffe
Giraffa reticulata - Reticulated Giraffe
Giraffa tippelskirchi - Masai Giraffe
Giraffa giraffa - Southern Giraffe
Okapia johnstoni - Okapi
OKAPI is one of the most beautiful and elusive animal species that was brought to the Western world&
Giraffa cameleopardalis - Northern Giraffe
Giraffa reticulata - Reticulated Giraffe
Giraffa tippelskirchi - Masai Giraffe
Giraffa giraffa - Southern Giraffe
Okapia johnstoni - Okapi
Maasai giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) crossing under a bridge of the Standard Gauge
Sivatherium – Early Pliocene-Late Holocene (5-0.008 Ma)Welcome back to Mammal Town! We’r