Graffiti Quotes Gallery
sherly martinet
catwoman 1
la diva
nouveau realisme
Trying out the new landscape format with this photo I took when I lived in Anchorage. I love the col
El arte es el hombre añadido a la naturaleza. Vincent Van Gogh
“Orwell was right…” Warsaw, Poland
bookmania: Literary graffiti
El hombre es hombre, y el mundo es mundo. En la medida en que ambos se encuentran en una relaci&oacu
“LOVE WHAT YO DO” Steven Spielberg 11/5/02 EICTV, San Antonio de los Baño
Listen to the walls!! Time is too short get going on life !! Explore more, have fun, laugh, get drun
Streets of Tirana
Graffiti says everyting