Greek Comedy Gallery
art scam
avril guerrero
Terracotta figurine from Myrina, depicting an actor of Greek New Comedy. Artist unknown; late 3rd o
Η επίθεση του γιγαντιαίου μουσακά (σκηνοθεσία Πάνος Κούτρας.1999)
ancientgreekpubtalk:thoodleoo:did aristophanes just break the 4th wall all the way back in the 5th c
Muse of comedy, 3rd century B.C. Ancient Greek
Gustave Doré, Harpies in the Forest of Suicides, 1861
uwmspeccoll:An Old Comedy FeathursdayPerhaps the most noted ancient Greek text to feature birds prom
hellenismo:statue of Thalia, the Muse of Comedy Roman statue, after Greek model of III-II century bc
patbroklos:Ah yes, the classics, the epitome of literature.
primordialnyx: 500 Picspams Challenge | #086 | The Muses↳ Thalia, Goddess of Comedy and Bucolic Poet