Growbotany Gallery
nel aerts
organic arhictecture
Clarkia is a genus in the family Onagraceae. Most species of Clarkia are native to Western North Ame
Brugmansia is in the Tomato family, Solanaceae. They are closely related to another genus, Datura, a
Fremontodendron californicum is in the Hibiscus family, Malvaceae. Commonly known as the flannel bus
Clarkia is a genus in the family Onagraceae. Most species of Clarkia are native to Western North Ame
Bougainvillea arborea is in the family Nyctaginaceae. While many other Bougainvillea species are vin
While this may look like a moss, it is actually a flowering plant! Minuartia obtusiloba is in the fa
Chrysopsis delaneyi is in the sunflower family Asteraceae. Endemic to Florida, this species was disc
Many bromeliads are epiphytic, meaning they grow on the branches of trees. Bromeliads produce bright
Fremontodendron californicum is in the Hibiscus family, Malvaceae. Commonly known as the flannel bus