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julia rommel
@mr.pewpew_puffington・・・T H A N K.G O D.I T S. F R I D A Y!!!Have a SAFE weekend people.#tgif #thegu
@fridgeoperator・・・If you want a gun just to shoot and enjoy the @sigsauerinc P210 takes the cake. Th
@fridgeoperator・・・Carrying my @czusafirearms SP-01 Tactical done up by @cgw_cajunized with @hogueinc
@jasonk7474・・・My #keywest #edc #pocketdumb @hudson_mfghooked up by @weichelarmamentllc @medfordknife
▪️ Tag #DailyGunDose for a feature! _________________________________________________________#Repost
@daperdan_da・・・Who’s out there like always getting that last minute Christmas shopping in? #cz
@arm.and.gun・・・#ArmAndGun // - = Swiss Arms Blue Star {.223/5.56mm} = Swiss Arms Classic Green Snipe
• @toppsy_krets New bag!! New gat!!@tacticalsol 10/22. Just put the Razor on there for SnG’s.
@arm.and.gun・・・#ArmAndGun // PDW or SMG?-Follow@wolv_supplies Follow@rdsc_inc - = @bushmaster_offici・・・#mandpmonday with the @agencyarms M&P2.0C and @streamlightinc TLR7 from @alleg
Tag #DailyGunDose for a feature! ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂#Repost @kyleph1984・・・Had a nice evening at t
@scaarat・・・The usual colors of the #tacticaltuesday: FDE, Black and OD. What’s your favorite g
• @pewpewguy Two very different pistols with one awesome feature in common… NEGATIVE BORE AXI
▪️Tag #DailyGunDose for a feature! ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ #Repost@bryanblakey・・・K.I.S.S. approach to
• @fridgeoperator Left or Right? Left is my MK18 Mod0 from @typearifleco with an @aimpointusa CompM4
@young_gunner53・・・The P210 is one of my favorite guns to shoot. ....#sig #sigsauer #p210 #225 #sao #
• @fridgeoperator Getting alittle work done in my home office today and nothing says freedom like a
@shooterzoo・・・Ready for The Last Jedi.Question: Would Stormtroopers shoot better if they rocked a br
@scaarat・・・Getting in the Star Wars mood with my 9mm CQB version of the First Order Stormtrooper Bla
@pete.556・・・1972 Colt Python ▫️....#gun #guns #weapon #weapons #357magnum #revolver #colt #coltpytho・・・#churchcarry @lsholster @northforksupplyllc @allegiantarms #united2a #pistol #9mm