Hambutt Doodles Gallery
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#POKEDDEXY Day 24: Favorite Pokemon DesignMilotic
#POKEDDEXY Day 23: Favorite Single StageDitto
#POKEDDEXY Day 20: Favorite Electric RodentMorpeko
#POKEDDEXY Day 19: Favorite EeveelutionEspeon
#POKEDDEXY Day 16: Favorite Rock typeRhyperior
#POKEDDEXY Day 15: Favorite Psychic typeAlakazam
#POKEDDEXY Day 14: Favorite Poison typeToxtricity - Low Key
#POKEDDEXY Day 13: Favorite Normal typeZangoose
#POKEDDEXY Day 11: Favorite Ground typeCubone
#POKEDDEXY Day 10: Favorite Grass typeRoserade
#POKEDDEXY Day 9: Favorite Ghost typeAegislash
#POKEDDEXY Day 8: Favorite flying typeSwellow
#POKEDDEXY Day 7: Favorite fire typeAlolan Marowak
#POKEDDEXY Day 6: Favorite fighting typeLucario
#POKEDDEXY Day 5: Favorite fairy typeGardevoir
My finished piece from the HAM-FANS-UNITE Zine!First time participating in one and it was quite enjo
#POKEDDEXY Day 4: Favorite electric typeMagnezone
#POKEDDEXY Day 3: Favorite dragon typeMega Charizard X
#POKEDDEXY Day 2: Favorite dark typeZoroark
A small preview from my drawing for my first zine! Go checkout the other artists from Ham Fans Unite
#POKEDDEXY Day 31: All Time FavoriteMawile And with that the challenge ended and this will be my fin