Hamlet Quotes Gallery
protect life
Inktober Day 4: Underwater “Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia /And therefore I forbid my tea
That is the question… (Act 3 scene 1)
roofbeams:barthes a lover’s discourse / twelfth night / hamlet
closedfists:William Shakespeare, Hamlet
susiephone:hamlet // achilles laments the death of patroclus // i will follow you into the dark // l
Inktober Day 5: Long Featuring one of the best ironic lines of the play; “This is too long
angelfish69: “O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!–Hamlet (I, v, 106)” Alt
I love Laertes’ pelican quote.
binary-bird:style/sequential art experiment feat. incorrect hamlet quotes.
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark“To be or not to be: that is the question&rdquo
— William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act II. Scene IILinus Quotes