Hammersmith Horror Gallery
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Severed Ties | 1992
Battle in Outer Space | 1959 — 宇宙大戦争
The Calamari Wrestler | 2004 — いかレスラー
The Calamari Wrestler | 2004 — いかレスラー
Posed for Murder | 1989
Satan’s Princess | 1989
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla | 1974
The Thing in the Basement | 1975 — it was featured in the horror anthology, Fright Show | 1985
Deadly Manor | 1990
The Thing in the Basement | 1975 — special effects artist John Carl Buechler created and starred as
Fright Show | 1985 | ‘The Thing in the Basement’ segment (filmed in 1975) — special effe
Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity | 1987
Necromancer | 1988
Necromancer | 1988 — director Dusty Nelson also directed six episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighb
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla | 1974
Graverobbers | 1988
Molly and the Ghost | 1991
Death Race 2000 // 1975
American Rickshaw | 1989
Molly and the Ghost | 1991
Molly and the Ghost | 1991
Low Blow | 1986