Hetiru Gallery
行間依頼受付中 gyoukan0
wishbone ash
Build up our machine, You die tonight ~♫♪
Fun color sketch commission for Pocket-Epitome and her characters Joon & Louise! Insta
Funcolor sketch commissions for KatNikkiInstagram ★ Commission INFO
A quick sketch of Semcool’s new character. Wow, it’s pretty difficult to dr
More sketches from this summer ~
And one more New Year parcel for Semcool ✨ ahah, the second time for my life I’m send
Funcolor sketch commissions for Ba-Mot, Akahori, Bunnily, Hobbitpippin, Hen-tie и バクラ Sama Instagra
A quick sketch I drew yesterday. Recently I feel burned out once again ._. God, why
Sketch-fanart on Spy x Family
Funcolor sketch commissions for Akesi, Davis, Sealartonline and HobbitPippin <’3Instag
Funcolor sketch commissions for BlueSketchingWalrus and Condolcezza (as a gift to Asynchrony):&
Practiced anatomy on my characters during the whole day off ;^; Nail is a true thin cane xddd and Fi
A big funcolor sketch commission for Moondust70 :’3333Instagram ★ Commission INFO
Today I’ve been practiced in perspective and light for a little before sleep. I love persp
Down with Auditors! (`ー´) ★ Original artworks & add.materials